You will retain control of your funds on your own exchange account on Kraken. We want nothing to do with the custody of your funds and the resulting regulation, compliance, and liability associated with that. Using the Kraken API feature you will authorise Unlisted to push trades to your Kraken spot or futures account.Â
IMPORTANT: You must DEDICATE your account to automated trading. Withdrawing funds mid-trade or manually trading in your account will jeopardize the automated trading and therefore your membership with Unlisted.Â
DEPOSITS: Unlisted's automated trading system will not see the funds in your account until the funds are in US dollars (USD). We cannot access other stable coins or crypto currencies, so please ensure your funds are in USD and the funds will be used in the next trade. If your funds are ready and you would like to be added to the existing trade please direct message us in the app and we will evaluate the risk/reward at time of request.Â
WITHDRAWALS: You should contact the Unlisted support team if you want to make a withdrawals so we can plan and co-ordinate between trades. There are many reasons why you may need to access your funds, many of which are reasonable and ultimately at your entire discretion. We also understand that sometimes emergencies come up and taxes need to be paid. Even so, the clear mission of Unlisted is to work with your starting balance to grow and compound it without disruption (aside from withdrawals for tax payments) for at least 3-4 years. We discourage large, early or regular withdrawals because we're here to help you become truly financially free. Large, early or regular withdrawals may put your membership with Unlisted at risk as we have limited memberships and we reserve the right to prioritize those people who are genuinely dedicated to their long term financial independence.Â